Delude - определение. Что такое Delude
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Что (кто) такое Delude - определение

·vt To frustrate or disappoint.
II. Delude ·vt To lead from truth or into error; to mislead the mind or judgment of; to Beguile; to impose on; to Dupe; to make a fool of.
¦ verb make (someone) believe something false.
deluded adjective
deludedly adverb
deluder noun
ME: from L. deludere 'to mock', from de- + ludere 'to play'.
v. a.
Deceive, beguile, mislead, cheat, cozen, chouse, gull, dupe, circumvent, overreach, trick, impose upon, lead astray, lead into error.
Примеры произношения для Delude
1. I don't delude myself.
2. but don't delude yourself.
3. you can then delude yourself into believing
Nikole Hannah-Jones _ Modern Day Segregation _ Talks at Google
4. You can hypnotize yourself, or delude yourself
Bill Murray & Mitch Glazer _ Rock the Kasbah _ Talks at Google
5. issues. And I think you delude yourself if you think
Googled The End of the World As We Know It _ Ken Auletta _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Delude
1. So do not let the life of the present world delude you, and do not let deceptive thoughts about God delude you.
2. Livni added: "I advise Hamas, don‘t delude yourselves.
3. "We did not deceive anyone, we did not delude anyone.
4. Nevertheless this present life can delude people, as can Satan.
5. We must not delude ourselves into thinking that government responsibility will lead to Hamas‘s self–moderation.